Sunday, October 7, 2012

Mũi Né, Oy Vey

I think that everyone (at some point) during a long trip hits a point where things just don't go well, and you start to get really sick of dealing with some of the challenges of traveling.  For me this happened in Mui Ne.

We went to Mui Ne because they have amazing Kite Surfing and we wanted to take lessons for a couple days.  However, when we got there we were informed that there wasn't going to be wind for the next 3-5 days.  Then both Adam and I got sick, and felt pretty crappy and unable to do much anyway.  I wont go into the specifics, but lets just say that I had some digestive issues.

We went on one tour, which was beautiful -- we visited the red and yellow sand dunes.  But other than that Mui Ne was kinda a bust.  Oh well.  Hopefully this will be the low point of our trip, and the last time we get sick (fingers crossed).

Fairy Stream

White Sand Dunes

Red Sand Dunes

We did meet two women from Sweden and Belgium who were staying in the room next to us.  We spent one evening playing cards with them.  They were overall fun and interesting women.  However, when playing the game President and I discovered that instead of calling the loser a-hole, in Sweden they call them the n-word.  Classy Sweden, classy.

This, along with a long conversation we had at our home-stay with some women from the Netherlands about the traditions surrounding Sinterklaas make me wonder....

The views from the bus ride out of Mui Ne were beautiful, and I had the cutest little girl sitting next to me:

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